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Meet Alchemy Organic Super Blends

15 June, 2016

When you're training a lot, it's easy to get caught up only thinking about your macronutrients (protein, fats and carbohydrates). But micronutrients are super important too – and we can sheepishly admit we sometimes overlook them *slaps back of hand*.

Introducing Alchemy Organic Super Blends. With a focus on real, whole foods, it was started by nutritionist Karen Newby (BSc Nutritional Medicine, mBANT, CNHC...yes that's a mouthful). Alchemy create five different elixir blends, and you'll find the Sport Elixir in The Harley Box this month.

It's an alkalising blend of vegan plant protein, moringa and wheatgrass, combined with B vitamin rich lacuma AND antioxidant rich acai. Perfect for adding into your post-workout smoothie to help alkalise, repair and boost lean muscle. Try this potassium-filled smoothie that acts as a great pick-me-up.

recovery smoothie 

  • 10g Sport Elixir

  • 1 teaspoon nut butter (we'd recommend the brand new one from Pip & Nut, also in the Harley...)

  • Half a frozen banana

  • A handful of frozen berries

  • 1 teaspoon chia seeds

  • Around 1/2 cup almond mylk (or any of your choice)


what to do

1. Chuck it all in your blender.
2. Be transformed.



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