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Meet transformation coach Nicky Clinch

07 November, 2017


Meet Nicky Clinch: Transformational Life Coach and Macrobiotic Counsellor

 Nicky empowers and inspires others to come back home to their most free authentic selves. She uses an incredibly powerful and holistic approach across emotional and spiritual transformation, the power of food and bodywork and eastern medicine to restore alignment and allow people to truly thrive in their health, lives and self-expression.  

We’ve been fans of Nicky’s work for some time now, so it’s a real pleasure to speak to her about her own transformational journey and how she helps others.

Q: You’ve been on an incredible transformational journey over the past 20 years. Can you tell us about it?

Well I had a bit of a rough start, and ended up struggling with addiction and eating disorders throughout all of my teens. Things had gotten so bad by the time I was 20 that I was told I had to change all aspects of how I was living my life, or I wasn’t going to make it much longer. In my final days of ‘that life’ (it’s funny to say it this way, but it does feel that way sometimes) I was struggling with daily drugs, bulimia, exercise addiction, was majorly under weight, under nourished and had major health issues. Some would say I hit rock bottom. I guess the benefits of hitting rock bottom is it left me in a desperate enough place to do whatever it took to start changing my life. And so I went into recovery and I’ve never ever looked back really. I can’t believe that was nearly 20 years ago now.  Time flies hey….


Q: Change can be a daunting thing. What advice do you give to people wanting to change their life and start their own transformational journey?  

I think one of the first things I would say is take things one day at a time.  Don’t try and ‘fix’ yourself as quickly as possible. Usually that ends up causing more stress, anxiety and problems, and it’s also not remotely realistic. Transformation (and life really) is a process; a journey. To really shift, change and transform our behaviours, our habits, our health and our life it takes time, commitment, patience, a big open heart and lots of support. So start with one thing and fully commit to that first, take it step by step, and allow yourself the process to learn, grow, and change over time. Looking back on my journey, I realise now it has been the walking of the journey that has given me the most amount of wisdom, courage, trust and a feeling of empowerment. Walking the walk vs talking the talk.


Q: You are a skilled macrobiotic Chef. Can you explain a bit more about the macrobiotic philosophy and the foods you make?

Ah…macrobiotics is really an incredible philosophy based on Oriental medicine, with the core understanding that everything in the universe is energy – two polarising energies called Yin (expansive energy) and Yang (contractive). And together they create wholeness, balance and unity. In my training, as well as learning how to create delicious abundant healthy foods with seasonal, natural, unrefined foods, we also learnt how to work with the energies of foods to create balance and harmony. What we eat is not just about physical health – what we eat can have an effect on our emotional wellbeing, our mental wellbeing and our energetic wellbeing. So when I cook, I tend to cook to feed all parts of who we are, not just the mouth and stomach.

Q: Meditation is a big part of your life and practice. What are your three top tips for someone who’s never meditated before?

A: Firstly take the word meditation out of the picture. I know it sounds funny but if you are a beginner then even that word can be daunting – and can leave you feeling like you have to ‘achieve’ something when you sit and close your eyes. Instead, first just start sitting and breathing. Learning how to sit and breathe and ‘be’ with yourself.  ‘Be’ with your breath, your body, your emotions, the noise of your mind. Practice ‘sitting’ and ‘breathing’ every day for 10 minutes. This is a great way to start. And will help you become more still and present in yourself – and yes, you may well be meditating after all! Ssshhhhhh….!


Q: As well as helping others, how do you ensure you’re always growing and expanding?

A: Transformation has become my life now. It is just what my life is for. I always want to be growing, evolving and learning. Every year I will further my training in some way  doing transformational workshops and programs, or attending retreats that I feel a real calling to do. I have a coach of my own and continue to practice the tools and processes on myself that I teach to others. And life has a funny way of sending me experiences that I need to keep me growing and expanding anyway! But that’s the beauty of life. Every experience is an opportunity for growing and expanding.  Especially the challenging ones.


Q: You’re a source of wisdom and inspiration for so many people, but who inspires you?

A: Oh my clients and students inspire me every single day. I am so lucky that I get to witness people transform their lives and there is literally nothing more incredible than witnessing it.  Watching someone let go of anger and resentment and allow their heart to open again, watching someone access the courage and power to start building their dreams, watching someone let go of the past and come alive again….really there is nothing more incredible. I often feel like the luckiest person in the world to do my work. And then I get to come home and watch my incredible 4 year old daughter grow and shine every day too – and she's an endless source of love and inspiration.


Q: We’re big believers in morning rituals – how do you start your day?

A: Haha – I always laugh at this one because what my morning rituals used to look like before I was a mamma vs what they look like now is vastly different!! Now I’m a mamma, as much as I can I will try to get up at 6am to meditate, exercise or do yoga before starting making breakfast for my family and taking my daughter to school. I like to start with a hot water and lemon and tend to not be hungry till around 9 or 10am. There are also days when I’ve been woken a lot in the night and will sleep in until the final hour! The most important thing is to be loving and compassionate to myself as it’s not about being perfect and ‘doing things right’ but being loving and letting each day be what it is.


Q: What brings you the greatest joy in your life?

A: So many things. My daughter. My work – facilitating my recent Being in Heart Retreat was one of the most joyful moments. Dancing, laughing, walking in nature and walking through the surf with the sand between my toes. I could write an endless list. Eating REALLY GOOD FOOD!


Q: What three things couldn’t you live without?

A: I don’t really care about ‘things’ that much so I hope this answers your question properly - my daughter (although I know she will want her freedom soon enough), my friends and family, and solitude and stillness.


Q: Do you have a favourite sport / way to work out and what’s the best piece of equipment you’ve bought?

A: I love yoga and I love my kettlebells. Both in equal measure. I love a good kettlebell workout!


Q: What’s next for you?

A: My goodness, so so much. I have just expanded my team by three more people so we now have the capacity to do so much more of what I’m dreaming of. We have my next transformational Being in Heart Workshop on November 17th which is such a powerful, healing, beautiful evening. A ‘Stillness & Surrender’ retreat in January. Monthly transformational workshops next year, my online training program is coming early next year, and about four transformational retreats. If everyone signs up to my newsletter they’ll be the first to find out – plus receive My Weekly Reflections Podcast. 


Ready to discover more?

Nicky’s Being In Heart workshop is on 17th November at 42 Acres, London, and you can book it here.

"Our heart is the gateway between us and everything. In this workshop, you will begin to soften and connect to your own heart and break through the blocks and barriers that stand in its way."



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