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It's official: we're one year old!

07 January, 2017

One year in the making

Wow. What a year. It's been one fun and totally batshit journey with more highs and lows than we could have imagined. 

Just over a year ago, we launched at Lululemon's private yoga event for Net-a-Porter, and have managed to sneak our way into titles like Vogue, Women's Health, Stylist, The Guardian, and many more since. We've worked with some incredible people and made tons of friends. We've listened to more inspiring Ted Talks and pod casts than we can count.

But it's never as easy as it seems, and we've put in blood, sweat and tears, countless late nights, everything we've got – and then some.

One day, a £60m company's trying to sue us (unsuccessfully). The next day Topshop wants to collaborate with us (due to bad timing we had to turn it down, but still cool, huh?). It's been one big rollercoaster and we've loved and learnt from every minute. And as our founder says: "you don't know stress until you've cried in a supermarket because you feel bad for the unripe avocados." Anyone else...? 

True to our roots

At times we've had to remember why we started. And that's our love and belief in nutrition. The impact it has on our health, both physically and mentally, is catastrophic.

Get it right, and everything fits into place. But we're brought up in a culture where it's deemed ok to eat a bowl of sugar for breakfast, and most people don't realise how good their body is designed to feel. That's what we (and you, if you're reading this!) want to change. Our mission was – and still is – to create an exciting way for people to easily and affordably discover nutritious foods, and help make the world a healthier, sexier place. 

Some serious gratitude

Without a doubt, the biggest high for us is you: the fitness fanatics, wellness warriors and gym tings who support us (and the reason we exist). 

To have customers who've been with us from day one leaves us speechless (which is pretty tricky when you're trying to write a blog post). And Over 20,000 of you follow us on Instagram...say whaaaaaaaat! 

We are SO thankful for every single one of you – every like, every comment, each time you've mentioned us to a friend or got in touch. You've been an integral part of our journey, and we don't think that in this very moment, there's anyone in the world experiencing more gratitude than us!

Name our next box

We thought we'd put the ball in your court, and get YOU to name our February box. We've had Blake, Felix, Aspen, Stella, Magnus, and Fergus to name a few...so what's it going to be? Is this the next Boaty McBoat face? Who knows. Enter here



Thank you. This is our little beginning – and there's so much more to come.

Big love,

Team Fitty x 


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